Sketch and Sail 2024

Come and sketch with me this October! I will be on board the Lady of Avenel square rigged brigantine. The Lady of Avenel will be running two Sketch and Sail adventures in 2024: May and October. My friends and fellow artists Claudia Myatt and Alice Angus will be leading the May trip, and Alice Angus and I will lead the October trip (6th-12th Oct 2024).

It’s going to be great! No experience required – of either sketching or sailing. Click this link to go to the Lady of Avenel site for more information and booking forms, or contact me via my contact page.

There will be time, to sketch, to relax, to steer the boat and haul ropes if you like, or just to watch the waves and the clouds.

We will stop and land most days, to tramp around, sketch a castle, investigate a wreck (example above!), draw some rocks, find seaweed, collect shells, or explore a fishing village. Accommodation is on board the boat, and all meals are provided.

If you’ve always wanted to sketch but never had the time: this is an opportunity to do it. If you are already a sketcher, here’s an adventure with like-minded folk and with plenty of time to fill your sketchbook. If you simply want to come along for the ride, you are also welcome!

Here are some photos from last year, and there’s a video on YouTube here.

My sketches from last year are here:

Inner Hebrides – Sketch and Sail 2023

I’m just back from a “Sketch and Sail” adventure on the Lady of Avenel, a square rigged brigantine. I was one of the art tutors, together with Claudia Myatt. We spent a week sailing around the Inner Hebrides with a group of other sketchers: sketching the boat, the sea and the landscapes. The drawings which…

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I hope you can join us in 2024!