New Year 2024

Happy New Year!

Thank you for reading my posts and looking at my pictures. I appreciate your encouragement and comments.

Here is my New Year Card for 2024.

New Year 2024: “Ascent” woodcut and collage – 5″ x 7″

I intended the image to be one of hope: of collaboration and of working together towards a higher goal. 

The main image is a woodcut on plywood. Here is work in progress:

The woodcut image is inspired by a sculpture on the wall of a building in Hoxton. The building is called “Development House” 56-64 Leonard Street. I can’t find any attribution for the sculpture and would be interested to know who the artist is, if anyone can tell me.

Technical information: The woodcut is on plywood, bought from “Great Art”on the Kingsland Road, not far from this sculpture. The ink is Schminke relief ink, applied with a roller. I printed the image by hand at my desk, using a roller and pressing the paper down with the convex side of a spoon. The paper is lightweight Thai Mulberry (45gsm) in various shades: sea grey, peppermint and natural, bought online from the “Perfect Paper Company”. The round “planets” are offcuts of marbled paper from the Wyvern Press. I cut the stars out of old sparkly wrapping paper, using a star cutter. The “Happy New Year” text is cut from a pencil eraser. Other text is from an old-fashioned printing outfit.

Printing materials

Previous New Year cards are here: